
Carth Onasi Comes Home ch44

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Chapter 44

"The last time I saw you was on Taris. You were wearing the Mandalorian mask then," Lassiter said with admiration. He was holding a mug of coffee in one large hand but hadn't yet taken a drink. As Revan had nearly finished hers she could only imagine how unpleasant his would be cold. 

"You were on Taris before? We could have met or something," Mission gushed. 

They had invited Lassiter Osh to join them for coffee, a pretense to discuss the matter with Czerka. Initially Revan wanted to make contact by herself. For precisely the reason at hand now. Lassiter was talking about a past she couldn't and at times didn't want to remember. But Carth, who had become strangely protective overnight, wouldn't allow a private meeting. Jolee expressed his own reservations as well. In the end it was easier to accept their concerns although Revan had done it with gritted teeth. 

< You were too young Mission. > Zaalbar chuffed at the girl. 

"Juhani was there," remarked Jolee. "She was a child then."

"What else you do you know about Czerka buying Revan's blood?" Carth asked. Relief flooded Revan. Out of anyone Carth knew how difficult discussions like this were. When they'd settled on Coruscant there had been a couple months when over eager reporters hounded them for interviews. Carth had been the one to shield her from their invasive questions about her past. Despite the time apart he hadn't forgotten Revan's feelings about the issue.

"I've been doing some research on their facility. Honestly I had no idea they even had medical research interests, I should have known though," Lassiter said. He snorted, shaking his head. "So much for all my Force abilities. This one blindsided me."

"Why do you care what Czerka does?" asked Jolee, leaning back into his chair. 

"I won't argue the Sith are evil, but I think Czerka has a place on that pedestal too. The partnership they shared was mutually beneficial. They got away with a lot because of that, and they're so large most governments can't police their activities."

"After their operations on Kashyyyk I'm inclined to agree," Revan nodded. Lassiter gave her a smile.

"So, this research lab is a hidden where?" Carth asked. 

"On Gizer, there's a manufacturing plant for heavy armaments. Saw a lot of business during the last war. There's only a trickle of business now, not enough to justify keeping the place running but Czerka does it anyways. It's a cover, hiding the facilities true objective. Beneath the main factory is a research lab where your blood sample was delivered. They've got an impressive catalogue of biological agents hidden away."

"And probably very tight security," grumped Jolee. 

"An understatement Master Bindo." Lassiter sighed. He fished a datapad from his robe and switched it on. After a moment he held out to Revan. She took it, scanning the material. "There's a fairly tough security network in the plant with the main terminals located in a separate building. Where the rest of the administrative staff work. But the elevator and door controls leading to the lab run off a separate system. It's accessible only by two individuals - the doctor who runs the lab and the man who oversees the facility."

"What was your plan?" asked Revan her eyes still on the datapad.

"Honestly? Finding you." Lassiter laughed, pushing a hand through his hair. "I guess not much has changed since we were kids."

Revan said nothing, but lifted a brow and looked at him. There was a moment where Lassiter looked back expecting her to remember. But he quickly made a wry smile and half shrugged. 

"We always went to you and Squint when there was a problem. The pair of you looked out for the rest of us," Lassiter explained.

"This is everything you have about Czerka's factory?" Carth asked, again stepping in to Revan's relief. He pointed to the datapad and Lassiter nodded. "You could have given this to us last night."

"I gave Revan enough information to let her decide if she was going to help me." 

Lassiter's tone, the emphasis on her name, made it clear he had not planned on including the others. Quickly Revan stood, handing the datapad to Carth. She sensed the two men were already at odds. Lassiter hadn't helped by ignoring Carth's presence last night. This new protectiveness Carth was feeling towards Revan did not improve the situation. 

"I need time to review everything, but, thank you for bringing it to my attention Lassiter," she said in a tone which indicted their meeting was at an end.

"I want to help Revan," Lassiter replied. He released his mug but did not stand. Instead he looked up at Revan, his expression determined. "I've been fighting Czerka for years, trying to undo just a fraction of the damage of they've caused the galaxy."

"Understandable. When I have some idea of how to approach this problem I'll contact you. In the meantime, I'll walk you back to your ship," replied Revan. When Carth made to join she added, "Carth see if you can get a message to Bastila about this."

There'd be an argument later, she could tell by the way his expression tightened and turned from her to Lassiter. For now Revan ignored it and walked from the hold with the other man following. 

"I'm glad to see you Revan," Lassiter said when they were in port facility. 

"I can't say the same, but don't be offended," she told him flippantly. 

"Would you be offended if I asked how much you do remember?" 

"No. But I wouldn't tell you anyways."

They continued in silence, and Revan could tell Lassiter was nervous. He had something he wanted to say but her coldness was putting him off. Finally she stopped and turned. Lassiter, with mild surprise, stopped and faced her as well. 

"Don't take this the wrong way, but you've come with this idea of who I am based on memories of me when we were children. And you need to forget them," Revan said. 

"That's a lot to ask for," said Lassiter. He sighed. "You changed people's lives, the sheer force of your convictions was enough to alter the destinies of nearly every one we grew up with. It's hard to forget that."

"I never forced anyone to follow me," Revan said. 

"No, you were just irresistible for how passionately you believed in things. Freedom, justice, compassion, protecting the weak - it was everything we had been taught from the Masters. And you called us to make a stand and fight for them. Look at Squint, he was the first to pledge himself, no surprise considering how much he loved you," Lassiter said, punctuating the words with an almost angry gesture to Revan.

"Alek and I were friends," Revan argued. 

"You were his friend. For you there was only your principles, the fight for the galaxy. But not for him, Squint - he loved you even when we were younglings. There wasn't anything he wouldn't have done for you."

"No. I'd - I'd remember that. Alek was a brother to me, we grew up together," Revan hesitated, breathing deeply, frantically searching her memories. On some level she had known, knew it when Malak died in her arms on the Star Forge. These last few years she'd dismissed the possibility, it was too painful to consider.

"I'm sorry Revan, I thought you'd remember that," Lassiter was saying. "Squint, he lived and breathed you. I thought - well, that doesn't matter. Not anymore. Let me know when you have a plan."

The way he trailed off caught Revan's attention and she searched his face and saw him looking over her shoulder. Lassiter withdrew himself without further word. Revan turned, and saw Carth standing a short distance away. 

By his expression Revan knew Carth heard more then she would have liked. The guilt which sparked in her was overshadowed by her own anger. Malak was another life, what did it matter if he had loved her. Carth had little right to judge her for that she thought.

"There's no contact with the Hawk," Carth said in a flat voice. 

"Do you want to - " Revan began hopefully, putting aside her anger. 

"Not right now," Carth told her and turned, walking away. 
- ~ -
Lassiter Osh

Back aboard the Wager he settled into his quarters with a glass of Corellian whiskey. It was early but the meeting had been successful enough Lassiter felt a celebration was in order. Revan had taken the bait, she would lend herself to his cause without a second thought. It was no small honor for Lassiter he would have this chance to work alongside Revan. If he paid attention he might learn some things from the Jedi he decided. 

Sipping at the whiskey, savoring the burn of it as it slid down his throat, Lassiter considered her other companions. The Twi'lek would be no problem. Gaining Mission Vao's trust would also help with the Wookie, Zaalbar. But the old man Jolee and the Admiral were going to be bigger challenges. A few times he sensed Jolee was trying to read him, to get some grip on his emotions or thoughts, but Lassiter was too skilled for that invasion. 

Admiral Onasi was going to be a bigger problem. The man was in love with Revan, and Lassiter expected he would never have Onasi's trust because of it. But if he played things right it wouldn't matter if he was trusted or not. It may even work to Lassiter's benefit if he could keep them at odds for the time being.

Lassiter downed the remainder of the whiskey with a grimace. From the expression on Onasi's face when Lassiter talked about Malak's feelings for Revan, it would not be difficult to throw a wedge between them. 

- ~ -
Carth Onasi

"Jolee, is there anyway to verify Lassiter is who he really claims to be?" Carth asked when he found the old Jedi. The old man paused in his work, the contents of a medpack spread on a table. 

"Not without visiting the Temple on Coruscant, and they aren't eager to share files concerning Revan," Jolee said. Carth sat opposite him, not really surprised by the answer but unhappy to hear it nonetheless. Jolee resumed work, packing away the new medkit. "I take it you don't trust this Lassiter Osh?"

"Of course not. It just seems convenient," Carth said. "Did you ever know Revan when she was younger? I mean, you must have been at the Temple at some point while she was there."

"Afraid not sonny. By the time Revan was brought to the order I'd already left," Jolee reminded him. Silently Carth kicked himself for the oversight. 

"Do you think it's worth going after Czerka?" 

"Czerka has no business playing around with nature. Have you considered this virus could effect folks who are only sensitive to the Force? Like you. Besides, you've got your children to think of," Jolee said, his dark eyes piercing as they beheld Carth. For his part Carth didn't miss the plural of child. "I felt it, damn hard not to. But I guess congratulations are in order."

Carth mumbled a thanks. He hadn't been thinking of the pregnancy. Preoccupied instead with Lassiter's suggestion Malak harbored deeper feelings for Revan than friendship. It wasn't fair to direct his anger at Revan but he couldn't help wonder if the pair hadn't once been more intimate. 

"So we don't have a choice do we?" sighed Carth. 

"Of course we do," Jolee snorted. "But we wouldn't be the good guys if we let Czerka keep their new toy. Would we?"

"I guess not. This doesn't mean we have to trust Lassiter though," Carth pointed out.

"Who said anything about trusting him?"
Revan discusses Czerka with Lassiter. Carth overhears him talking about Malak and Revan's past and isn't happy with what he hears.

Chapter 45: Carth Onasi Comes Home ch45Chapter 45
Mission Vao
Having something to do was a welcome relief to the last few days of guarding Pulla Vaga. Sitting on watch had left her mind free to distraction. Mission spent a fair amount of that time thinking about Dustil, even worrying about him. Foolish she knew, he was a Jedi, and there was Bastila and Canderous with him. But she worried anyways. Now Revan had her at work fact checking Lassiter Osh's information. Mission relaxed into the task and almost left her concern behind.
She was seated at one of the HoloNet terminals of a small cafe bustling with business. Not far away Zaalbar and Revan waited. One of them left a coffee at Mission's side but she barely noticed the cup. Her hands worked fast, eyes fixated on the screen. For the time being there was only Mission and the HoloNet.
Czerka's security was impressive, maybe even tougher than Lassiter told them. They would need to overcome two separate systems for access to the underground lab. All Missio

Chapter 43: Carth Onasi Comes Home ch43Chapter 43
Carth Onasi
Revan erupted in a litany of cursing. Angrily she threw the datapad onto the console and stalked the length of the hold. Carth reached for the datapad. He hadn't even guessed Revan knew some of those words and looked at her in surprise. But she wasn't finished and started throwing swears from other languages into the mix. 
"There is no emotion," Jolee attempted to calm her. 
"That - that - worm!" Revan seethed interrupting the old Jedi.
On the datapad Carth reread the first of the files Lassiter Osh provided them. It detailed the sale of a blood sample, Revan's blood, from Sibba Motta to Czerka Corp. He whistled looking at the amount of credits Czerka paid for it. For that many zeros they must have been very eager to acquire the blood. 
"Makes sense why he let you go so easily now," Carth sighed. Their escape from Gargon and Motta had been too easy. Again, his instincts hadn't lied. Though they had been in no position to guess
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HowlingFlames's avatar
Oh! We'll wasn't expecting this turn of events :meow: I do like to be surprised